The Media Moment - Show #005
This week we discuss the need to create Multimedia Ministry Teams at the corps level, including what we mean, why this is important, what the benefits are, and how to go about getting a team started.
The blog and podcast site for the Multimedia Team of the Western Territory of the Salvation Army.
This week we discuss the need to create Multimedia Ministry Teams at the corps level, including what we mean, why this is important, what the benefits are, and how to go about getting a team started.
This week we discuss the software tools we recommend to get started creating your own multimedia content such as photos, graphics, video, animation, and presentations. Links include:
In our third episode, we talk to special guest Todd Temple, President of Media Complete Corp., about his basic rules for displaying text properly on a projected screen.
In this episode, we discuss podcasting--what it is, potential uses, and how to go about starting a podcast of your own.
It seems I made a mistake when I originally listed the XML address for subscribing to the podcast in the post below. The actual address to subscribe to the feed is: